What's new

  • Diff Analysis will be temporarily unavailable due to the backend server major replacement: February 21st 9am - March 2nd 0am (GMT+9, estimated)
  • New publication on the NAR web server issue! https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkae358 (2024/05/16)
  • Added Annotation tracks to Peak Browser, together with UI improvement (2023/10/25)
  • Launched Diff Analysis tool enabling to detect differential peaks or differentially methylated regions (2023/10/25)
  • New publication on the NAR web server issue! https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkac199 (2022/03/24)
  • Added ATAC-Seq and Bisulfite-Seq , together with UI improvement including 'peak' icon! (2021/10/04)